La quintessenza del territorio
Church of Blessed Virgin of graces

Church of Blessed Virgin of graces

“In a lovely corner in Contrada Prati Grandi , a stream flows under a row of poplar tree, and we find the small church of Beata Vergine delle Grazie known as the Madonna delli Prati from the name of the street” (F. Cornazzani).

Originally it was called S. Maria delle Moglie because it was built in a muddy area.

There are no news on its origins; the first certain news date back to 1683, the year when the City Council decided to fix a road, in Contrada Prati where a votive shrine stood with a painting considered miraculous.

According to the tradition, sick people were brought there to ask the Virgin Mary for miracles: they drank the water of the stream.

Thanks to the devotion of the inhabitants in Mogliano, a number of offers were collected, so that in 1757 the construction of a small church began in which the prodigious painting was placed.

In 1812 some unknown people sacked it and in 1817 the bell was stolen.

After many years in 1989, thanks to the kind charity of Mrs. Maria Teresa Andreozzi, it was restored and reopened to the inhabitants.

The interior is adorned with a single altar surmounted by the painting depicting the Virgin and Her Child , on the basis of the ancient painting.

On the left of the entrance there is a large stone slab which, according to the tradition, belongs to the demolished church of S. Michele in Templano.
